Lisa Bohlin
Ms. Bohlin first job in structural engineering was at 16 years old at James E MacDonald Associates, Inc. in Braintree. While attending Northeastern University, she learned drafting and detailing under the co-op program while completing her Bachelor’s degree. Ms. Bohlin continued her education at M.I.T. and graduated with a master’s degree in Structural Engineering in 1992. Upon completion of her formal degrees, she started working full time as an entry-level engineer. Ms. Bohlin joined Souza, True and Partners, Inc. as a Project Engineer in 1993, was appointed an Associate in 2007, and a Principal in 2012.

Ms. Bohlin has comprehensive experience in the engineering of new buildings, additions and renovations. She has designed a wide variety of structures including educational, residential, health care, research, commercial, industrial, historical and athletic facilities in concrete, steel, masonry and wood. She has been involved in construction supervision of all the above projects.

Following her interest in older buildings, Ms. Bohlin has extensive building renovation experience including structural repair, rehabilitation and seismic upgrades. In particular, her high-end residential work focuses on the Back Bay and Beacon Hill areas with expertise in the brick and wood construction of Boston’s history. She prides herself on a practical, efficient approach while respecting the original structure.


Registered Professional Engineer: Massachusetts #40418